Bio2me is a company dedicated to adding value to conservation or unproductive areas, boosting the potential of bioactive products found in Brazil’s native forests. We identify land with high capacity and turn it into valuable investment opportunities

Combining responsible professional management (with strict due diligence processes) and state-of-the-art technology, Bio2me buys and leases rural properties to set up its business. The company relies on an exclusive system—artificial intelligence, drones, and the Internet of Things—that maps farms and accurately identifies the potential of each hectare of land.

The data reveals the most suitable use for each area: either traditional (soybean or cattle, for example) or the production of bioactive products. While large farmers and investors still see the private protected areas as a “cost center” or an “unproductive area,” Bio2me sees opportunities and profits. In addition to the natural appreciation of the land, the company makes a profit by producing and selling bioactive products.

They are natural compounds found in certain plants and some of them have a very high market value. They have antioxidant properties and are associated with reducing the risk of cancer, preventing cardiovascular disease and cataracts, among other benefits. In Brazil and around the world, large companies, such as ADM, Basf, Cargill, Ajinomoto, Johnson&Johnson, DuPont, Medtronic, and Natura, exploit or use bioactive substances in their processes.

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Flavonoids are bioactive compounds, i.e. elements that act directly on a cell, tissue, or living organism. Various foods of plant origin contain flavonoids, such as fruit, vegetables, seeds, teas, roots, and legumes. Today, more than 4,000 types of flavonoids have been identified.

Quercetin is a versatile flavonoid with different scientifically proven pharmacological properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiviral effects. Its molecular structure allows it to interact with various biomolecules in the human body, such as enzymes, proteins, and nucleic acids, influencing a variety of biological processes—hence its versatile benefits.

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With increasing global demand for food, investing in farmland is a sure profit in Brazil. According to S&P Commodity Insights, in three years, the country’s farmland has increased in value by 127.4%. There is a consensus that prices are far from stagnant and should continue to rise.

It’s a great business! In Goiás, the state where Bio2me already operates, the average value of a hectare has increased by 47% in the last three years, according to the multinational consultancy Agra FNP. The study shows good prospects, especially in the Cerrado regions, where land is cheaper than in other regions. It was precisely in the Cerrado that land in the state of Goiás has appreciated the most in the last 12 months, and prices are far from stabilizing—on the contrary, they are likely to rise even more.

Yes, it’s possible. Under national environmental legislation, every rural property has to set aside at least 20% of its area for native forest. While this percentage was once perceived as a loss, it is now seen as an opportunity. Native areas can be preserved, restored, and expanded. To this end, Bio2me focuses on and prioritizes the monetization of conservation areas through the sustainable management of bioactive products.

Current legislation also provides for the economic exploitation of private protected areas on rural properties as long as they are sustainably managed and the conservation area is not de-characterized. Thus, along with preservation to generate carbon credits, it is possible to exploit bioactive products.